It's never enough to have a beautiful and functional website, you have to attract the people you want to reach. Google has the biggest role to play in this, as the vast majority of our target audience will start looking for the content they need through Google. If you don't pay enough attention to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) then people won't find you and your website will be considered a loss leader.
To avoid this, there are a few concepts to keep in mind that can build the right foundation through your work on your website.
We're going to give you a very simplified introduction to the basics of search engine optimization, so that you have a rough idea of what search engines rely on, what we need to pay attention during development, and what tasks you'll have to do when it comes to SEO.
Search engines take 3 main aspects into account when displaying results in Google's results list based on the keywords you enter, these are the 3 main components of SEO.
- Technical SEO
- Content or On-page SEO
- Link building or Off-page SEO
Technical SEO
In Technical SEO Google is checking that your site is being able to indexedor not. Also it monitoring the user experience (UX), and the mobile optimalization as well.
Most elements of technical SEO are the responsibility of the experts, but there are also phases that require close collaboration between the website owner and the developer, such as the design of the user experience.
Content SEO
On-page SEO is the part of search engine optimisation that is mostly provided by the website owner, as it is the actual text content of the website.
Although it sounds simple, it requires a lot of planning and constant work, as you need to pay attention to the search keywords you are using to write the content of the page. Thus, the first step in content SEO is to research the keywords and, based on that, determine the primary keyword and then write the META description. These should be used as the basis for writing the actual content itself, so that the search engines actually find relevant content on your website.
For content SEO we made a guideline for you named How to write my website content? in our Blog.
Link building
The third element of search engine optimisation is getting and building links to your website. This is monitored by Google's system in a complex way, as it's not always has the same value from two different links.
Current trends suggest that links from trusted, frequently visited sites that the search engine considers relevant are worth more to Google, while links from link gathering sites are now recognised by Google's algorithms as not relevant content so they worth very little.
It's worth trying to get incoming links from sites that cover topics that may be related to your services or products, not to mention if they are well visited as well.
Once all the SEO elements required to launch your website have been checked, you can safely connect your website to Google, for which you will need a Google Account for your website or your business. You can read more about in our Why should I make Google MyBusiness for my Website? blog post.